Sunday, November 11, 2007

The count down!

These pictures are for all of those on the west coast who don't see me and forget that I am pregnant! I don't seem to have that problem too often! I am being induced this Wednesday at 10am, only 3 days left!! We are very excited-I will finally be able to bend over, eat normal, and maybe not run out of breath going up the stairs!

Soon Steven will no longer be the spoiled only child. I don't think he realizes that yet, but hopefully having a play buddy will make up for it! He is excited for baby Andrew to come.


jules said...

Yay! We're so excited you started a blog! I didn't know you were going to name your baby Andrew...that is one of my favorite names. Sarah - you look so good! Good luck on Wednesday.

Kara said...

Yipee! Blogging is so great! Good luck on Wednesday and let us know if you need anything, we'll at least bring you some dinner!

kiki comin said...

hooray! you jumped on the bandwagon! we are so excited to meet andrew..good luck wednesday!:)

Monica said...

I am so excited for Wednesday! I hope that all goes well. I loved being induced. Good luck and i'll be anxious to see pics of Andrew. I'll send you the link to our blog too!

Julie said...

I'm so glad you finally made a blog! I can't believe how pregnant you are! It's so weird because I never see you. Good luck next week!