Well, we are finally here!! After months of looking at other people's blogs and saying "We should do that...." We have finally joined the leagues of bloggers.
Here is our first post to our new internet home. And here is a picture that shows some of our recent activities.
Steven has been asking to be a super hero for months. I think he picked to be superman just because of the cape. So here is superman with his cheesy smile!
Steven looks awesome - I love the smile. Robby walks around with a picture of Steven all the time and talks about him a lot. It's so fun - he talks about how Steven is going to come visit and how Steven likes to play with him. He doesn't do that with any of the other pictures on our fridge.
I like your blog. Nice pumpkins and costume. I can't wait to see pictures of your baby. I hope things are going well for your family.
Love Rob
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