Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Fun

One of Steven's favorite parts about Christmas this year was getting packages in the mail, it didn't matter who they were for as long as he got to open them!
This was the one part of a christmas present from Grandma and Grandpa that wasn't wrapped in the package and as soon as Steven saw it he said "It's Scrambler! Where is the other part?" We had never seen it before and have no idea how he knew what it was.
Here is Scrambler in action!
Another favorite Christmas gift was his booster seat. It is always nice when they love a gift you have to get them anyways!


I've started smiling more this week and finally got it captured on camera! It looks like I inherited the dimples:)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I still have lots of hair that likes to stick up in the air, especially after my baths (after all of the spit up and hereditary greasy hair is cleaned off). I also have blue eyes!
I have recently discovered that I love lying on my belly-especially if I have my binky.

Is it Christmas yet?

Steven has been asking "Is it going to snow?," "Can we get a Christmas tree?," and "Is it Christmas?" ever since Halloween ended. So finally it snowed and we got a Christmas tree! I still have to keep telling him it isn't Christmas yet, though. Now that it has snowed he has started asking "Is the snow melting, is it going to be spring time?" I think we have a ways to go before spring!

Steven loved decorating the Christmas tree, Andrew slept:)